I’ve been kind of neglecting posting for a while. Nothing much to say, and not a lot going on. Also, busy at work.
That’s changed a bit – this weekend, I’ll be manning a booth for my company at the Denver Mini Maker Faire at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I’ve been working on software for an application to demonstrate our new Mercury boards. Our booth will be right next to the Denver Hackerspace booth. We’ll definitely be talking with them to find out how they’re using the supplies and equipment we donated when we moved from our old office to our current location.
I’ll have to find the booths for the Denver Mad Scientists and Epilog Laser, since I have friends that should be at both.
The show runs 9 am-5 pm on Saturday and Sunday. We’ll be setting up our booth tomorrow. Should be fun. Please show up if you’re in the area.