A couple of weeks ago, my sewing machine (an ELNA from the 1970s – very nice, durable machine) broke – the lower bobbin stopped turning, which meant that stitches were no longer being made. I found out where to take it for repairs (surprisingly close to my home) and they sent it off to the repair center. Repairs and refurbishing were going to cost a little under $200.
I have it back now, with no money out of pocket. The part that broke was a plastic gear, and that gear is no longer available. I haven’t decided what to do – I seldom have a real need to sew anything, but I do have some things that need sewing now, and a machine would be a lot easier than hand-stitching.
I don’t even know if the broken gear was returned with the machine. I think what I’ll do is try to find or make a replacement – there may be something available that’s close enough, or perhaps I can swing some time on a 3D printer, but in either case I’ll need to know what the dimensions, teeth, etc. are for the gear.
And if I can’t find or make a replacement gear, I’ll at least have a motor with a speed control foot pedal available.