Respect and courtesy can only be allowed to go in one direction.
Respect and courtesy don’t require knowledge or effort.
Hiding a relationship? Haven’t we heard that before?
Software for which to be thankful. I’ve used about a third of these applications. I use several of them daily.
I’ll have to try this when I get a little time … among other things, I’ve started my Christmas baking. I don’t do it every year, but I sometimes get a little out of hand: cookies, shortbread, rum balls, mincemeat tarts, and so on. I made mincemeat tarts and shortbread on Sunday … I’ll have to post a photo, because the cat walked on the shortbread while it was cooling. It’s a good thing I had plastic wrap covering it at the time.
Ummm … you know, this is not what I’d expect to see if someone meditated on me.
Some impressive card manipulations.
The first time I tried homebrewing beer, I used a recipe a friend had given me. It was a simple recipe that made about a gallon – gallon jugs from cider and such were simple to acquire and clean, and I didn’t have to worry about dealing with the quantities and equipment involved in making a “standard” five-gallon batch. It came out pretty potent, though … one bottle was sufficient to get me staggering a bit. I wonder how it would compare with this stuff.
I can remember, years ago, seeing a cat circus in a sad little building on West Colfax. Never saw a performance, just the building.
Ukulele videos (good pun in the name) and a songbook site.
This is a fun advertisement (found here):
I’ve never had a book do this for me while I was reading it: