When I was younger, I was interested in blacksmithing. I had found a couple of old books on the subject, reprints of older works. I would visit any blacksmith shop I ran across (which only came out to one or two of them, unfortunately). I would spend time dreaming about where I could find a place that was large enough that I could set up a backyard forge without disturbing the neighbors.
I never did anything about it, and I no longer have the books on the subject, nor do I ever think about it much anymore – I’m getting to the age at which that sort of thing sounds way too hard. I can still indulge my fantasies by watching these, though.
This is what I love about the internet – I keep finding interesting things. Too many to keep track of, unfortunately.
Do you read Irons in the Fire? It’s run by an amateur blacksmith, and some of his posts are about making tools and knives, etc. Fascinating stuff.
You know, I used to. When I changed ISPs and went from my old site to this one, that was one of the links that didn’t make it.
Time to deal with the blogroll changes I’ve been accumulating, I guess.