Archive for the ‘Toys’ Category

Sounds like overkill

Friday, March 16th, 2007

The German edition of PC World is giving away a high-end PC that they’ve put together. It will be awarded by random drawing, and while I’m certain that gamers (among others) will drool over it, I doubt it would be immediately usable here … besides the different electrical power specifications, the plugs would be all wrong.

Still, one can dream.

Win a PS3

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2006

Wizbang Tech is giving away a PS3 for Christmas, and the first task in the contest is to make Wizbang one of your Technorati favorites.

This post, besides letting everyone else (as if anyone else reads my blog) know about the contest, is to “claim” my blog by setting up my Technorati Profile.

Now it starts getting fun

Friday, November 10th, 2006

Thinkgeek now offers a t-shirt with a live display. Pretty soon, there’ll be t-shirts with programmable slogans and graphics, maybe even downloadable ones. Imagine what wirelessly-networked t-shirts could do for a flashmob.