Archive for February, 2016

They never did this when I was his age

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

A 16-year-old Russian boy has won a contest. His prize is a month in a hotel with a porn star. She looks quite nice, but he doesn’t look 16 to me.

I’m reminded of the young man whose mother sent a stripper to wish him a happy birthday while he was in class.

It seemed absolutely crazy

Tuesday, February 16th, 2016

I found this to be an absolutely fascinating article. I am tremendously impressed with Jill Viles. She is a poster child for taking control of your medical care, which is something I should do more of.

It seemed absolutely crazy. The idea that an Iowa housewife, equipped with the cutting-edge medical tool known as Google Images, would make a medical discovery about a pro athlete who sees doctors and athletic trainers as part of her job?

I believe that my sisters were once contacted about a medical study concerning a condition that may run in our family. Jill, in contrast, found an active study about her condition and got them to include her family. She got care for her father that likely extended his life by eighteen years, and did the same for an Olympic athlete. That’s impressive.

Definitely someone more people should know about.


Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

I set up a doctor’s appointment for today, because I’ve had some symptoms that match with deep-vein thrombosis. The doctor didn’t think so. She thought it was most likely to be sciatica, but set up an ultrasound exam for me just in case.

Apparently, it’s both. I go back later today to discuss treatment options.

The Day the Music Died

Thursday, February 4th, 2016

On this day in history, Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J. P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson died in a plane crash. Waylon Jennings was supposed to be on the flight, but had allowed Richardson to take his place.

Yid With A Lid has a good post on the topic.

Update: That’s what I get for not doing this post earlier – it’s 11pm here, but 12am according to the post time. I’ll have to look into the WordPress settings and see if that’s where time zone is kept.

Oh, no, John Ringo!

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

oh no john ringo