Archive for the ‘Reading’ Category

And how is your daughter, Dr. Rappaccini?

Friday, October 7th, 2011

I thought of Hawthorn’s story the moment I read this.

Via Ghost of a Flea.

Miscellany 17

Sunday, August 21st, 2011

There’s not quite an hour left in the 52nd anniversary of Hawaii becoming a state (in this timezone, anyway). Time to clear out the browser tabs.

Andy Firth believes that people who code for a living aren’t learning enough about the abstractions they use and what those abstractions are hiding. I happen to agree with that. My list of things that coders should study/know would be somewhat different than his, but that is likely to be just because of our differing backgrounds.

The economy is going to hell in a handbasket. My company isn’t exempt from problems; our customers have taken to using us as a bank that provides no-interest loans – customers on net 30 terms have been taking 90 days or more to pay. Here’s a good roundup of poll results with respect to the economy and the government’s handling of it.

Perhaps this chart explains some of the problem. Pay particular attention to the last two lines.

Accounting rules have, of course, contributed to where we are today with respect to manufacturing.

Oh, for the days when farming was fun!

While we’re on the subject of dynamite, I’d like to suggest this as a problem that can be solved with a suitable application of high explosives.

I don’t agree with Fred all the time, but he’s almost always worth reading. He’s got a sobering take on the London riots.

The closest I can come to matching this customer service story is to note that I used to be a regular-enough customer at a local Mexican restaurant that the staff knew my usual order. Nowhere near the same thing. I’ll have to get to a Morton’s sometime when I feel as though I can afford it; such service deserves reward.

I need to find out more about this. There may be nothing there, but, if there is …

Free online classes in AI. Might be fun. Here’s more information about other online education sources.

I saw an interesting documentary on burlesque a couple of weeks ago. This song was in part of it, but never sung in its entirety. I looked it up because it sounded fun. Note: the page automatically plays a MIDI file of it.

It’s been a quiet day

Friday, November 12th, 2010

Which is nice for Veteran’s Day. Quiet gives you time for contemplation. Some good food for thought can be found at Blackfive – just keep scrolling down; there are several Veteran’s Day posts worth reading. I also like Bunk’s post about his grandfather in World War I.

Miscellany 11

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

The first three links come from The Agitator (link on the right).

See new level, hear new level, play new level?

I think I heard of this place a few years from now.

Well, where else would you find one?

We’re losing knowledge and experience. Via The Smallest Minority.

I’ve got a recording of The Cyclotronist’s Nightmare somewhere, but I haven’t heard the rest of these.

This is not Photoshopped.

Too Old To Work, Too Young To Retire is a great name for a blog.

The Silicon Graybeard appears to be an intelligent individual. This post on the administration’s latest disregard for the Constitution is one you should read.

Just what I need … more reading material.

A neat music video found at Xack Phobe’s Master Site. I’m unfamiliar with the group, but I may see what else they’ve got available.

I’ll be gone from KORB on Vimeo.

Miscellany 10

Monday, September 13th, 2010

I’ve got to start keeping better track of where I find things, so that I can give credit properly to the places that lead me places.

The real stuff white people (and black people, and so on) like.

What not to write.

Heart Strings: The Story of Kamaka ‘Ukulele. I own two Kamakas – a 4-string concert and a 6-string tenor.

Interviews with writers. This link goes to J. R. R. Tolkien.


Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

I write like
H. P. Lovecraft

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Mind the language

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

In both senses.

This is more focused on a single area needing improvement, and a bit more profane than my rant on the topic, but also more prescriptive.

Oh, you need little teeny eyes

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

For reading little teeny print.

Related info here, as well as a generator.

Post title from the song.

Gone, now, are the icons of my youth

Friday, March 19th, 2010

Fess Parker has died. I remember wanting a coon-skin cap when I was a young boy. I never did get one. The other early American history television show I remember watching was Swamp Fox. About all I can remember about it now is that it was in black-and-white and had a lot of trees in it.

The death of Mr. Parker, who played Davy Crockett in his most memorable role, does bring about the timely opportunity to point out this event in Davy Crockett’s career, though. Would that more of our legislators understood this.

Want to do some reading?

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

A couple of posts ago, I mentioned Steve Green’s quest for science fiction recommendations. One of the comments had a link to the CDs that Baen Books has been including in some of the books they publish. I’ve bought two or three of the books that contain these, but it’s nice to see so many of them in one place.